CRM’s & CM’s

Customer Relationship Managers & Contact Managers

Customer Relationship Managers & Contact Managers are just databases with a bunch of forms, to input the data; and a bunch of reports to get the data out.  CRM’s and CM vary in complexity, price, technical effort and so on.  If you a small business you probably have a list in an excel spread sheet, in your mobile phone or on the card file of your accounting package.  This is an OK start.  Many SME’s don’t have a customer list as they are just happy for the customers to walk into thier shop and maybe buy some stuff.  Problem is, access the shop front is changing.

Most of the bulk email softwares available, have incorporated email list managers that are ok, however, they lack other customer database tools, and are usually only accessible by one person.  You need a simple online contact manager to look after your precious emails.  And you need to be able to use the contact manager to update details, record notes and events; and build profile databases.  You don’t have to do this all at once,  but the first step is to find a good, cheap, simple, online customer database and start building your list.

There is a bunch of CRM’s and CM around.  Here’s a few to consider: – cheap, very user friendly, online, simple contact manager – established, world’s largest, expandable – online, professional, muli user, comprehensive –  online, good for business, popular – comprehensive,  sales tools etc

Many CRM’s/Contact managers suffer from being over complex.  They try to do every thing.  A small business needs something simple, inexpensive and that does the job.