Internet Marketing 4 Small Business has been set up to offer my new eBook “How to Use Email List Marketing to Explode Your Customers” to anyone who wants to take the time to read it.
I run a small business and have taken to using email list marketing for very cost effective advertising. I learned most of what I know by reading other free eBooks and, or by trial and error experience.
My small business sells un-sexy electrical switchgear in a declining market, in Australia. The only way I was going to increase market share was to take it away from others. I started building an email list using a simple customer database I developed,; created a great webpage,, and started sending my customers an email every Tuesday afternoon. Luckily my front office person, Sofie, is a graphics genius; and we were able to create some high impact emails, which were well received by our customers.
This simple approach to email list marketing has had great results. Now we are just growing the list and sending more emails, and getting more sales.
The more I researched into email list marketing, the more I realised that small business has to be in digital advertising to survive, and how effective the digital space is. The internet is changing everything.
Have a look at the eBook and implement this makreting into your business. Appreciate any feedback.