Email List Marketing

“You need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale”  Chris Brogan, Founder, New Marketing

When it comes to marketing; everything has changed.  Whatever you thought you knew about marketing, just a few years ago, is probably obsolete.  Small business people don’t have a lot of time or resources, so have to apply the most cost effective marketing methods to remain competitive.

In a nut shell, one the most cost effective marketing strategies available to small business is called Email List Marketing.  Build a list of your customer’s email addresses and using a bulk e-mailer, send out regular emails to the list reminding people of all the good work you are doing and how great your product or service is.  Each email will continued to build a positive view of your organisation and when your customer wants a product or service they will turn to you first.

Small business does not embrace the digital space well.  The technology is moving too fast and there are always lots of other things to do.  But if you don’t get on board the digital train, your business will become less competitive, and you will be the first to fail.